License Agreement Using the RAC Client software product (hereafter called “software product”) is free. License agreement between you (physical person or legal entity - hereafter called “user”) and the author of the software product, that is Miloslav Novotny N+P, ID: 45975434 (hereafter called “author”). Article I. - Copyright All property rights and copyright concerning the software product and any copy of the software product are property of the author of the software product. The software product is protected by the copyright laws. Article II. - Restrictions a) the software product must not be resold, rented and the obtained permissions transferred, b) the software product may not be included into another software product, spreading the products thus created, derived from the original software product, and in any way interfere in the internal structure without the approval of the author, c) from the software product nor from any of its parts must not be anyhow taken pieces of information about author’s copyright, d) it is forbidden to do reverse assemble, reverse compile, disassemble of the software product, or alter it otherwise. Article III. – User rights a) right to use the software product free of charge, b) right of technical support available on e-mail, Article IV. - Term and termination a) the license agreement and thus the user’s right to use the software product free of charge anyhow expires at the moment when the user breaks the restrictions named in Article II., b) by installing a new version of the software product the original license agreement is replaced by the currently valid license terms of the author that are part of the new version of the software product, c) when this agreement expires the user is obliged to stop using this software product in any way. Article V. - Liability THE AUTHOR HAS PROVIDED THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT “AS IT IS”, THE AUTHOR NOR THE DISTRIBUTOR ARE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OF ANY KIND CAUSED BY OPERATING THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT. IN VIEW OF THE FACT THAT THE LICENSE FOR THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT IS FREE OF CHARGE THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT. License terms apply to the software product documentation as well.